5 Great Ayurvedic Solutions to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is one problem that causes a lot of embarrassment in public. This is because if you have dandruff, every time you unknowingly touch your hair with your hand or scratch your scalp, a cascade of white flakes would follow onto your clothes. Thus, you tend to grow conscious and nervous with the presence of dandruff. Often when people face the problem of dandruff, they seek a quick solution to get rid of the problem fast; however, using over-the-counter products like chemical ladened shampoo aggravates the problem. Thus, if you want to actually get rid of the problem effectively, then choose your products wisely! Read this blog to know about some of the best Ayurvedic solutions that work effectively. You can also buy herbal beauty products from Akansha Herbals to get rid of dandruff issues.


The antifungal properties and antibacterial properties in Fenugreek help to get rid of the fungi that grow on the scalp and cause dandruff and thus, help to get dandruff free hair. To use it first soak the fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water overnight and then in the morning make a paste of these seeds and apply this on your scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes. Thereafter, wash your hair and scalp thoroughly with water. For the same result, you can give Akansha Herbal’s Keshprapti hair oil and try and see the results!


If you are struggling with a severe dandruff problem, then lemon can be of great help. Lemon is rich in citric acid, which helps to fight dandruff effectively. Furthermore, the strong presence of antimicrobial properties also helps to stop fungal growth on the scalp and thus, cures the white flakes. Alternatively, you can also buy Ayurvedic hair care products from Akansha Herbals and get rid of dandruff!


Neem contains antiviral and antifungal properties and is considered a great remedy for several ailments. Its antimicrobial properties help to combat dandruff problems effectively. Neem is an easily available plant and thus, you can include neem in your hair care routine and prepare a hair mask with neem paste, curd and apply it on your scalp. Using this hair mask regularly will help you to get rid of dandruff completely.


Brahmi is a very popular ingredient that contains a lot of moisturizing properties as well as anti-oxidant properties, which helps to nourish the scalp and induce a considerable amount of moisture to the scalp. On application of Brahmi paste on your scalp, you can prevent the scalp from becoming dry and developing white flakes. If you want to draw similar effective results you can also consider using Akansha Herbal’s Keshasathi dust shampoo.


Amla is rich in Vitamin C and thus, on application to your scalp helps to cure dryness problems and prevent stubborn dandruff. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in Vitamin C help to prevent the formation of dandruff; therefore the itchy scalp is also cured. For curing stubborn dandruff problems you can also apply Akansha Herbal’s Keshasree hair pack. This hair pack is packed with useful ingredients and works like a magic potion to prevent dandruff problems.


If you have set out to say goodbye to your dandruff problems, then make sure you use the right products. Using the wrong products will only aggravate the dandruff problem. This is why you can switch to Ayurvedic based hair care routine for a permanent solution. You also have Akansha Herbal’s Ayurvedic hair care products, which works effectively on regular application and totally cure your dandruff problem.

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