Top 4 Ayurvedic Secrets to Achieve Flawless Skin in Monsoon

A part of us craves for the monsoon season to arrive; the lush greenery, the earthy smell, and the coolness of the environment relax the body and soul after the wrath of the summer. However, behind the beautiful veil of the monsoon, there is a problematic side to it, and that is the numerous skin problems that one has to face. The presence of moisture leads to oily skin, and you can see the skin breaking out, dullness, and more such problems. If you don’t want such problems to become a part of your life, then start using Ayurvedic skin care products and ingredients recommended by Akansha Herbals.

Top Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips for the Monsoon Season

We have shared with you some of the most tried-and-tested Ayurvedic ingredients that can help you to get the most problem-free skin during the monsoon. Take a look to find out.

Multani mitti

Fuller’s earth, aka Multani Mitti, offers many benefits. For instance, it helps to clear out excess oil from the skin, combats and prevents acne, enhances the tone of the skin, and is also useful for reducing pigmentation. It works as an excellent exfoliator and a dirt magnet. Add Multani powder, rose water, and lemon juice, make a fine paste, and apply it to your skin every day.

You can also use products from Akansha Herbals, and if you are looking for suitable products then you can visit their online Ayurvedic product store.

Aloe vera gel

When it comes to skincare, there is no doubt that aloe vera is one ingredient that is extremely helpful to keep your skin vibrant and acne-free during the monsoon. This acts as a moisturizer and penetrates deep inside the skin. Further, it purifies the blood and cures acne and other infections, besides preventing them. Just apply the aloe gel every day before you sleep and see the difference.

You can also use Akansha Herbal’s Ayurvedic skin care products for similar results.

Sandalwood powder

If you add sandalwood powder to your daily skincare routine, you will see amazing results. This ingredient does not need any introduction and is known for its endless benefits for the skin. It helps to fight acne-triggering bacteria, exfoliates the skin, eliminates sun tan, soothes the skin, and more. Hence, a perfect skin care product for the monsoon season.

Alternatively, you can also use Akansha Herbal’s Baranga, as it offers the same benefits, and also brightens the skin tone.

Mint, fennel, and yoghurt

During the monsoon time, one of the best packs that you can make using different Ayurvedic herbs is making a paste with mint, fennel, and yoghurt. The dullness that we get during the months of the monsoon can be prevented with the help of this pack, and it can restore the original glow to the face. You can also consume these herbs as they can raise your immunity level, and clear the toxins from the body.


During the monsoon, you need to be both gentle with your skin and hair, as the excess moisture during the season can damage them. So, besides using these ingredients make sure that you cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your skin daily. You can use these packs as per their benefits. And, if you are running out of time, and want a handy and effective Ayurvedic product, you can rely on Akansha Herbals Ayurvedic skin care products such as Baranga, and other products. To place an order for their products, you will need to visit their website.

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